We are about five days from November 1st (Yeah, I know I’m not constant on the way that I count days. Bite me) and I’m still plotting for the novel (curse you, aqua notes). So, I wanted to do a little self-promotion (because I’m both lazy, and a genius) by reusing some old posts and bringing up the topic of…organization. Yup, that old thing. So, a while back I wrote two guides for scrivener, and talked about how amazing that thing is when writing novels. I know that some people just hate the thing because it’s so damned complicated to use at times, but that’s why I wrote the guides. It really is a powerful tool…(scrivener people, send me money for the free marketing, please). Free advertisements aside, that software really helped me at thinking about organization and structure a little differently. I used to have outlines before, but they […]