Daily Archives: October 28, 2016

The boy tried to pull the restraints off. They were tight. Still, he pulled and kept trying. They hurt his wrists. He tried kicking or using his legs off the chair and pull on the ropes around his wrists. It did nothing. To make it worse, being unable to see because of the thick blindfold heightened his other senses. His heartbeat thumped like a war drum though it had little fight left. His breath pained him on his lips, both of them dry and broken from screaming and swearing. “Please let me go,” he pleaded. Hours ago, he’d sworn he’d kill the old man. He threatened and argued. Now, he begged. “I swear. I will not tell on you. I ain’t no snitch, sir.” “Quiet boy,” the old man responded, his voice calm and controlled. Too restrained for someone who had just been shouted at for nearly two hours. Or, […]
