just another bird

About just another bird

Its eyes locked onto the wrong side of reality, this regular old bird knows nothing about life, existence, or anything really. So everything it writes is mere fiction.

Emelie sat in silence, watching from her ship’s cockpit. God, she had fucked up royally on this one. The planet had been outstanding. It had extremely valuable resources, the type you only found in one out of a hundred star systems, and she was sure that success in this mission would’ve gotten her a promotion. But damn, she had completely underestimated the people of this planet. Within weeks, the damned conspiracy theories had started pushing out information about aliens being among them. And that quickly moved up to a lot of trouble with the government. And then they just started asking too many damn questions. Now, her finger lingered over the red button, the one she was only supposed to press in the case of an absolute failure. Shit, there went the promotion When she was young, she used to read the newspapers back home. Every other week, they talked […]


"This country. It used to be great at one point." The man continued. "Back when I was young, we would've never allowed these robots the right to vote. They cleaned our toilets. They delivered our food. They served us. That's why they exist. They are tools, no different than a wrench or a pencil. But we allowed so much to get out of control that people, those confused by the liberal rhetoric, are marrying their god damned toasters!"


She looks at his face. It’s peaceful as he lays in his casket. No. That doesn’t feel right. Even as she thinks the word, she wants to spit it out. Casket. His casket. She shudders. It doesn’t make sense. Not that long ago, he had laid on the grass of his backyard, looking up at the moon. She had sat next to him when he’d closed his eyes in a very similar way, a smile on his face as if he had nothing to worry about. No, this was not right. It was not fair. He should not have been in that stupid box. He would not have been in it if it weren’t for her stupid advice. On that day, he wrote her a text, which was already strange. He always preferred voice chat. On top of that, it was pretty late. She was up herself because she was […]


“Why are you doing this to me?” Philip said. William tightened his grip on his the knife. “I do it because it has to be done.” “Wouldn’t it be easier to just kill me?” “Kill you?” William shouted and slammed the knife at full force into Philip’s leg, and Philip screamed in pain. “Scream all you want,” William said. “No one will care here.” William exhaled as if he’d done a good job. Philip shook in his seat, his hands tied behind him. The room was small, an old house off to the east of the city, one of the abandoned homes that were nearly falling apart. William had picked this spot because most people on the east side were like him. They hated what had become of the city because of Philip’s kind. But William was slightly different. Unlike many of the useless people on the east side, he […]

The Cost of Happiness

Okay, so this one is actually very special to me. I know that it doesn’t have much of a story or plot or anything else. But let me explain… A few years ago I wrote a book. Yup, I wrote a book of about 400 pages. I personally still can’t believe it, but it had one major problem. The ending sucked. It just kinda…ended, and I had no idea why or how to fix it. Fast forward to now. It’s been years that I wrote that thing, and it’s been in the back of my head for just as long. In a way, it feels like my “white whale.” I’m constantly trying to figure out how to write that book and how to finish it. I have good ideas for it, but when it comes to the story, the character of Jack simply refuses to want to participate. Yeah…It’s one […]

on Birthday