
Personal rants and other things

Well, look at that day! It’s halfway through the month, which means (for anyone doing camp nanowrimo) that this is now officially going down the mountain. Personally, I think I hit the midway word count a few days ago, since I was ahead thanks to a couple of days of crazy inspiration. Sadly, I’m not as far as I’d like to, mostly because I didn’t get to write yesterday, but I’m still caught up! All that said, I do want to go on a little talk about plans, outlines, and projects. I’ve mentioned before that I’m actually revising something for this particular Camp NaNoWriMo scenario, which means I technically already have an outline of what I’m doing, and a good sense of where it’s going. Which would be nice, if I were able to follow my darn outlines :/ To summarize this month’s experience so far, I’d say my story keeps […]

Mid-month update :D

There’s a “draft”, an unpublished post I wrote like three days ago, on this website that I haven’t been able to push myself to publish, but it explains quite a bit of my recent radio silence in most forms of social media I play around with. Still, I do want to mention some other aspects of this silence here, and talk some nanowrimo updates too, cause why not. Starting backwards there, I’ve managed to keep up with the word count, and I don’t even know how. I’ve struggled every day, but I’ve managed to hit that minimum of 1.7k a day somehow. It’s baffling, honestly. However, I’ve also been really down on other aspects. This week, as a whole, has been…eventful…and educational. I’ve really hit a moment of realizing that not all people are going to be professional, even when they’re in a position where they are required to be. […]

Camp NaNoWriMo & other things

Holy! It has been how long? Nearly a whole year? Seriously, what have I been thinking!? How could I go without updating my blog, my little personal website, my baby, for so long? And, even after I paid that Mexican to do design it and all? [for the sake of political correctness and avoid people complaining if they ever find this, I’m that Mexican, and this is my stupid bad joke]. Regardless! How could I have treated this place so badly? Honestly, I don’t know. And to be even more underwhelming than that answer, my comeback does not come with any crazy type plans. Nope, null, zero, nada, ni maiz. I’m here, just updating my blog as, well, how other writers update their blog. If anything, I guess I will finally take on the blog title up there points up. To reiterate (since this is a “return” post), I want […]

Eventual Return, AWP, and Camp NaNoWriMo 2016