Did you ever pay attention to your composition teacher? To be honest, even as a writer, I ignored that class. It just never registered as something important for a creative writer. Ironically, I am now writing an article on something you’d learn early in a composition class. But please, before you run away, hear me out. Sometimes, some concepts from a different type of writing can make your writing a lot more effective, especially the concept of “the rhetorical situation.” First, what is the darn thing? In short, it’s everything surrounding the act of writing that is not really the act of writing. In other words, the things you should know before you begin writing. For example, if I’m going to write something, I need to ask whether I’m going to write a short story or a novel. Depending on what I choose, different techniques change. I mean, a novel […]

ENGL-CW 101 The Rhetorical Situation