NaNoWriMo Day 07 – Not Writing Advice

It’s November 7th, which means this is one complete week into NaNoWriMo, and I’ve been writing a lot every day. So far, I’ve managed to write every single day without miss, hitting the number of words just as expected.

But, this is not a post to brag about this. No, this is the Not Writing Advice part of the week, where I talk about something shitty about writing. And in this case, it’s word counts.

For the longest time, I’ve been one of the biggest pushers for NaNoWriMo (and I still am), but I’ve always been very conflicted about writing goals, especially when dealing with word count. See, the thing is that when I write a lot–and I mean a lot–I start losing sight of the work. At some points, it seems that scenes go on forever and take longer than they should, all because I’m trying to hit a word count rather than actually write a story. And, that all makes the story dull.

That’s the biggest issue with word count goals versus story goals. It’s too easy to focus on the little number rather than in getting the story done, and I think I’ve caught myself doing that already. But, I guess it’s good to catch yourself early. At least that way, I can straighten it when it happens.

Anyway, it’s day seven and I’m pretty beat up, which is why this is coming so late. I hope tomorrow’s update is a lot more meaningful rather than just a rant.


38,334 to go…