Daily Archives: November 2, 2016

Today in the morning, I spent about an hour writing 400 words. They were probably the slowest 400 words I’ve had in months. It was just as if the writing wasn’t coming out at all. And, to be honest, I’m not sure what blocked me, or why I was unable to write quickly. Regardless, I was growing frustrated, and that, well, is never good when you’re trying to have fun writing a novel. But then, the very best person in the world offered to help me out with a little something people online call a “word sprint.” That’s where you set a timer and write for that amount of time without stopping. In a way, it’s meant to use that little competitive spirit inside of us to push us forward. And god, it works. It works so well. Long story short, thanks to this amazing and beautiful person with the […]

NaNoWriMo Day 2 – Word Sprints