Daily Archives: April 17, 2016

Well, look at that day! It’s halfway through the month, which means (for anyone doing camp nanowrimo) that this is now officially going down the mountain. Personally, I think I hit the midway word count a few days ago, since I was ahead thanks to a couple of days of crazy inspiration. Sadly, I’m not as far as I’d like to, mostly because I didn’t get to write yesterday, but I’m still caught up! All that said, I do want to go on a little talk about plans, outlines, and projects. I’ve mentioned before that I’m actually revising something for this particular Camp NaNoWriMo scenario, which means I technically already have an outline of what I’m doing, and a good sense of where it’s going. Which would be nice, if I were able to follow my darn outlines :/ To summarize this month’s experience so far, I’d say my story keeps […]

Mid-month update :D